Now more than ever, social media and SHM are connecting hospitalists with peers and experts in healthcare. Last year, SHM launched a new blog, The Hospital Leader (, and introduced hospitalists to eight prominent voices in the HM movement. In January, SHM used Twitter ( to educate hospitalists and others on CMS’ changes to the “two-midnight rule” through a live tweet of a free webinar.
Since its inception in October 2012, nearly 3,000 hospitalists have logged into HMX more than 72,000 times to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from other hospitalists across the country.
Want to connect with the other hospitalists and experts in healthcare? Here’s how:
- Ask questions and get real-world answers at Hospital Medicine Exchange (HMX):
- Join SHM’s 2,200-plus followers on Twitter for quick news and information about the hospital medicine movement:
- For new research in hospital medicine, follow the Journal of Hospital Medicine on Twitter:
- Get regular insight from leaders and experts in the movement at SHM’s blog, The Hospital Leader:
- “Like” and “share” away with SHM on Facebook:
Tweeting at HM14? Use #HospMed14
Last year, tweets about SHM’s annual meeting reached thousands, creating more than two million impressions. This year will be even bigger. Join the conversation with leaders in the specialty, using #hospmed14 whenever you do.