John Colombo, MD, received the 2013 Horace Furness Taylor Physician Service Excellence Award from Taylor Hospital in Ridley Park, Pa. Dr. Colombo is an SHM member and chief of hospital medicine for Crozer-Keystone Health System based in Springfield, Pa. He has been on staff at Taylor Hospital since 1985.

Ron Greeno, MD, MHM, FCCP, is the new executive vice president of strategy and innovation for Brentwood, Tenn.-based Cogent Healthcare. Dr. Greeno is a founding member of SHM and Cogent, and he previously served as Cogent’s chief medical officer. He also currently serves as a senior consultant for The Cogent Group and as chair of SHM’s Public Policy Committee.

Anne Whitis, MD, received the 2013 Most Valuable Provider award from Mahaska Health Partnership (MHP) in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Dr. Whitis is medical director of the MHP hospitalist program. She also mentors medical students and volunteers at the Oskaloosa Free Clinic.

Geoffrey Lamb, MD, received a Learning Health System Planning Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges based in Washington, D.C. Dr. Lamb is a professor of medicine and the section chief of hospital medicine in the general internal medicine division at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) in Milwaukee. Dr. Lamb also serves as associate director of the joint quality office for Froedtert Hospital and MCW.

Evangeline Gutierrez, MD, FHM, is the new medical director of hospitalist service for Summit Medical Group at Morristown (N.J.) Medical Center. Dr. Gutierrez previously served as medical director of Inpatient Medical Associates in Parsippany, N.J., and practiced at Overlook Medical Center for more than 10 years.
Business Moves
Sound Physicians, based in Tacoma, Wash., is now providing hospitalist services at both Christus Santa Rosa Health System in San Antonio, Texas, and John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. Christus Santa Rosa consists of four acute care hospitals, the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, and several outpatient clinics and emergency centers in the greater San Antonio area. John Peter Smith Hospital is a 537-bed trauma center serving the central Fort Worth area.
IPC The Hospitalist Company, based in North Hollywood, Calif., has acquired the practice groups of Bruce G. Johnson, DO, PC, in Roseville, Mich.; Allen Trager, DO, PC, in Flint, Mich.; and Victor Toledano, MD, PA, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. IPC also completed its acquisition of Park Avenue Health Care Management, LLC; Park Avenue Medical Associates, PC; Park Avenue Medical Associates, LLC; and Geriatric Services, PC, (collectively, “Park Avenue”), all based in White Plains, N.Y. IPC now provides hospitalist services in 28 states.
Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center in Lititz, Pa., is now providing pediatric hospitalist services. Initially, the program will staff six pediatric hospitalists at the 148-bed facility. The facility joins Lancaster General Hospital as the second in the county to provide pediatric hospital medicine services.
Morthland College Health Services (MCHS) in West Frankfort, Ill., has assumed coverage of hospitalist services at Harrisburg Medical Center (HMC) in Harrisburg, Ill. MCHS already provides hospital medicine services at Franklin Hospital in Benton, Ill. Morthland College is a small liberal arts college founded in 2009. Harrisburg Medical Center is a 98-bed acute care hospital serving greater Saline County, Ill.
The Ob Hospitalist Group (OBHG), based in Mauldin, S.C., is providing services to Bayhealth Milford Memorial Hospital in Milford, Del. Milford Memorial has served communities in the Milford area since 1938. OBHG provides inpatient OB/GYN services to nearly 50 hospitals and clinics nationwide.