Start Preparing for the Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine Exam
March 15, 2016
The Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine exam is just two months away (May 17). Have you started your preparation?
SHM recently developed the only maintenance of certification (MOC) exam by hospitalists for hospitalists.
Start Planning for Hospital Medicine 2016
November 4, 2015
At the end of the year, many hospitalists still have funds left in their CME stipends.
Maintenance of Certification Process Should Ensure Physicians Deliver Quality Care
- Robert Harrington Jr., MD, SFHM
November 4, 2015
[caption id="attachment_11777" align="alignright" width="295"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM[/caption]
When the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) announced changes to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process in early 2014, the response was overwhelmingly negative.
Maintaining Board Certification Has High Hidden Cost
August 11, 2015
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) maintenance-of-certification (MOC) program could cost $5.7 billion in physicians' time and fees over the next decade, according to a new model study.
"We estimate that physicians will spend 33 million hours o
Hospitalist-Led Quality Improvement Projects to Replicate in Your Hospital
July 6, 2015
[caption id="attachment_10389" align="alignright" width="115"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.com[/caption]
The largest drivers of healthcare costs are physicians, but these professionals are among the least comfortable discussing healthcare value.
Healthcare Industry Agents of Change Promote Responsible Spending
June 1, 2015
1 Caring Wisely Program
Started in 2012 within the division of hospital medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the program sponsored or collaborated on six high-value care projects within its first year.
Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)-American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Joint Statement on Hospitalists Trained in Family Medicine
May 6, 2015
Hospitalists are physicians whose primary professional focus is the general medical care of hospitalized patients.
Choosing Wisely in Hospital Medicine: Accomplishments and What the Future Holds
- Sowmya Kanikkannan, MD, FACP, SFHM
April 1, 2015
John Bulger, DO, MBA reviewed the components of the Choosing Wisely campaign and SHM’s recommendations in an era where providing high value cost-conscious care is key to optimizing the health of our patients.
Tip-Top Tactics for Bedside Procedure Training
March 6, 2015
David Lichtman, PA, director of the Johns Hopkins Central Procedure Service in Baltimore, Md., says bedside procedure training should be consistent and thorough, regardless of whether the trainee is a medical student, a resident, a fellow, or an established physician.
Educational Opportunities for Hospitalists Beyond HM15
March 3, 2015
Whether you’re packing your bags for HM15 or following from afar, there are plenty of other opportunities to get the most up to date clinical, management, and quality improvement information in the specialty:
Leadership Academy 2015
October 19-22
Austin, Texas
Get the managerial confidence