• News

    Take Research Initiative

    August 2, 2006

    Avenues to increase hospital medicine research and close the quality gap

  • News

    To Tube or Not to Tube

    August 2, 2006

    The implications of PEG tube use in the hospitalized older adult

  • News

    Team Rapid

    August 2, 2006

    An up-close view of how one L.A. hospital set up its rapid response team

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    Doctors of the American Frontier

    August 2, 2006

    Surgeon George Miller Sternberg Discussions of the mid-19th century American physician often conjure up images of the surgeons of the Civil War who tirelessly plied their trade during battle: “During the rest of the night and early morning, he [amputated] arms below the elbow and legs below t

  • News

    The Yuk Factor

    August 2, 2006

    Maggot debridement therapy: the ancient treatment for chronic wounds makes a comeback

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    Pantilat Receives Endowed Chair

    August 2, 2006

    A first for hospital medicine, the chair moves palliative care forward at UCSF

  • News

    Rash Judgement

    August 2, 2006

    A 38-year-old, healthy, incarcerated, African-American man presented with a one-and-a-half year history of an eruption in his axillae

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    Shift Perspectives

    August 2, 2006

    Consider a more healthful schedule for your group

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    SHM Surveys Revisited

    August 2, 2006

    The Benchmarks Committee has had a busy 2006 so far.

  • News

    Virus Alerts

    August 2, 2006

    CDC issues warnings about two viruses with serious potential complications