Is a Post-Discharge Clinic in Your Hospital’s Future?
December 1, 2011
A practice-changing perspective on hospitalized patients.
What Are the Clinical Indications for Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation?
December 1, 2011
NPPV is an effective method to decrease mortality, intubation rates, and duration of ICU stay in severe exacerbations of COPD, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, immunosuppressed patients with pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia, and as a bridge to extubation in COPD patients.
Medical Profession “Terrified” to Address Kernicterus Concerns
December 1, 2011
My son was born in 2001 with a bilirubin of 51, but receiving a diagnosis of kernicterus was difficult in coming because the medical profession is terrified to admit that this is happening.
The Buck Starts Here
December 1, 2011
High-performing HM groups have strong leaders; make sure you avoid programmatic pitfalls.
Dr. Shen Responds to Kernicterus Letters
December 1, 2011
True rates of kernicterus have been difficult to calculate for a variety of reasons, yet we must get a handle on “who” gets kernicterus if we are to appropriately decide which infants receive phototherapy. The letters we received highlight a critical need to delve deeper into the epidemiology of kernicterus, a journey that must begin with accurate reporting of this disease.
Kernicterus Is Observable, Predictable, Curable
December 1, 2011
Doctors seem to take on a lackadaisical, roll-of-the-dice type of approach to the prevention of kernicterus. Since the numbers are so low, they are not providing the vigilant watch and, therefore, allowing newborns to slip from hyperbilirubinemia to actual kernicterus.
Medical Community Should Take Proactive Approach to Kernicterus Treatment, Reporting
December 1, 2011
Everyone in the medical community needs to take the proactive approach, as well as find a means of reporting kernicterus that is free of the liability concerns, or be willing to face them.
Are You Ready to Care for Obese Patients?
November 30, 2011
Hospitalists should be proactive, seek proper equipment and protocols for growing population
Hospitalist Joins C-Suite Elite
November 30, 2011
Children’s hospital appoints pediatric hospitalist as its president, CEO
She’s Found Her Calling
November 30, 2011
The 2008 election and health-reform debate lead D.C. hospitalist to key federal position.