Putting the Right Patient in the Right Bed
February 29, 2012
A hospitalist-led project to improve bed assignment practices at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., reduced errors in patient placements to 3.1% from 9.4%.
Pediatric Hospitalists Share Lessons Learned on the Path to Executive Leadership
February 29, 2012
A handful of pediatric hospitalists have assumed major administrative responsibilities in their hospitals. Most say their HM experience was crucial to the journey.
Massachusetts Healthcare Law Highlights Implications for National Healthcare Reform
February 29, 2012
The Massachusetts experience represents a microcosm of what might be expected on a national scale with the Affordable Care Act: success in covering the uninsured, but persistent access and cost challenges that can only be overcome with fundamental payment reform.
Afghan-Born Hospitalist Gives Back Through Free Clinic
February 29, 2012
When Ahmad Nooristani, MD, became a physician, part of his motivation was to help his native country.
SHM Boasts Diverse Membership, Leadership Lacks Non-Academic Presence
February 29, 2012
It is my hope and belief that SHM will use your membership survey information appropriately when they organize committees and build leadership teams. This information will help SHM leadership understand its potential bias and guard against unintended consequences of their actions.
How to Get the Most Out of the HM12 Toolkit
February 29, 2012
I view the annual meeting as a kind of toolkit: Have a problem, reach into the HM12 toolkit, and pull out your solution.
John Nelson: ED Patient Throughput Is New Core Measure
February 29, 2012
Hospitals are likely to increase their customers’ satisfaction by improving “frontend” throughput from the ED to the inpatient unit. In fact, CMS added two new core measures (known as inpatient quality reporting, or IQR) that hospitals began reporting on Jan. 1.
Incentives to Improve Hospital Readmission Rates OK
February 29, 2012
Is it legal to incentivize hospitalists to reduce readmission rates?
Pediatric Hospitalists Climb the Corporate Ladder
February 29, 2012
Pediatric hospitalists around the country have made inroads into hospital administration roles.
Access Problems Persist Despite Health Insurance: Lessons from Massachusetts
February 29, 2012
A surprising lesson from Massachusetts is that expanding health insurance coverage does not automatically improve access to healthcare services. Here's proof.