Time-based billing allows hospitalists to avoid
March 31, 2012
Utilizing time-based billing principles allows a physician to disregard the “key component” requirements and select a visit level reflective of this effort.
First Set of CMS Advisors Includes Hospitalists
March 31, 2012
In January, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) selected 73 professionals as the initial set of advisors for its Innovation Center ( The advisors include 37 physicians, as well as some nurses and health administrators.
Hospitalists Provide Leadership as Unit Medical Directors
March 31, 2012
A project to formalize “local leadership models”—partnering leadership teams comprising a hospitalist and a nurse manager on each participating unit—at the University of Michigan Health System helped to redefine the role of unit medical director and led to allocating sufficie
Understanding Physicians’ Attitudes toward Safety Culture
March 31, 2012
Results from a survey to assess physicians’ and medical trainees’ perceptions and attitudes about the culture of patient safety at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center were reported at HM11 in Dallas by Patrick Kneeland, MD, who has since moved to Providenc
By the Numbers: 8.3%
March 31, 2012
8.3%1 in 12 adults ages 21 and older Discharged from the hospital to the community were readmitted within 30 days, according to the National Institute for Health Care Reform.
WIN WHITCOMB: CMS Core Measures Program a Win-Win for Hospitalists
March 31, 2012
Looking back, many of us saw the huge opportunity created by the CMS core measures a decade ago. A good number of core measures recently have been retired or suspended.
The Society of Hospital Medicine’s Physician Editors Contribute in Ways Large, Small, Significant
March 31, 2012
The views and ideas in The Hospitalist and the Journal of Hospital Medicine formulated and shaped the ideas of this young profession. Over the past few years, nobody’s voice has been louder than those of our editors, Mark Williams and Jeff Glasheen.
JEFF GLASHEEN: What’s Been, What’s Next, and a Hogan Update
March 31, 2012
Jeff Glasheen's tenure as physician editor of The Hospitalist ends with this issue.
JOHN NELSON: Morning Discharges and Length of Stay
March 31, 2012
This month I will focus on what can be thought of as the two components of “back end” throughput: effective management of length of stay (LOS) and patient discharge in the morning rather than late in the day
C-Suite Vocabulary for Hospitalists
March 31, 2012
A corporate-jargon glossary for hospital medicine