Accountability Hits Home for Hospitalists
January 2, 2013
While some hospitalists see the value-based payment modifier (VBPM) program as a penalty, others see an opportunity
Hospitalists Should Consider Fall Risks with Sleep Agent
January 2, 2013
Study shows increased risk of inpatient falls with zolpidem
Smartphones Distract Hospital Staff on Rounds
January 2, 2013
Although the most common smartphone uses were for patient care, doctors also use them to read and reply to personal texts and emails, says a study in the Journal of Hospital Medicine
Adherence to CHF Measures Doesn’t Improve Hospital Readmission Rates
January 2, 2013
Little association found between hospital adherence to congestive heart failure (CHF) quality performance measures and 30-day readmission rates, says study
Ready to be a Fellow in Hospital Medicine?
January 2, 2013
There's still time to apply, and now fellowship is available to physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and hospital medicine (HM) practice administrators
Accuracy Matters When Compensation for Hospitalists Is at Stake
January 2, 2013
Understand how survey calculations were derived in the 2012 State of Hospital Medicine report before developing a compensation plan for your hospitalists
Value-Based Purchasing Model for Medicare Reimbursement Extends to Physicians
January 2, 2013
A primer on the CMS' physician value-based modifier (VBPM) program, including the how and when it will impact hospitalists
Paying Attention to Detail Critical in Medical Coding
January 2, 2013
A senior medical coding and education specialist recommends hospitalists give specifics regarding patients' complaints when coding for level of service
2013: The Year of Quality Improvement
January 2, 2013
The Society of Hospital Medicine offers options to help hospitals make 2013 a landmark year for quality improvement (QI) on its website at
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Spotlight: Amir Jaffer, MD, SFHM
January 2, 2013
Dr. Jaffer is the division chief of hospital medicine, and the vice chair of patient safety and quality, in the Department of Medicine at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Florida