Hospitalwide Reductions in Pediatric Patient Harm are Achievable
March 1, 2013
Quality care initiatives are needed to eliminate preventable harm, improve safety for pediatric inpatients
ITL: Physician Reviews of HM-Relevant Research
March 1, 2013
Guidelines on steroids and antivirals to treat Bell’s palsy; Probiotics to reduce Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea; Rates of hemorrhage from warfarin therapy higher in clinical practice; Less experienced doctors incur higher treatment costs; Pay-for-performance incentive reduces mortality in England; No benefit in ultrafiltration to treat acute heart failure; Hospitalized patients often receive too much acetaminophen; Longer anticoagulation therapy beneficial after bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement; Antimicrobial-coated catheters and risk of urinary tract infection; Patient outcomes improve after in-hospital cardiac arrest
Affordable Care Act Provides Two-Year Increase in Medicaid Payments for Primary-Care Services
March 1, 2013
Medicaid-to-Medicare parity regulation will increase total revenue for some hospitalist groups
Hospital Medicine Group Leaders Strive to Balance Administrative, Clinical Tasks
March 1, 2013
For some hospitalist group leaders, taking a lighter clinical workload allows them to fulfill administrative duties as well
Multiple Patient-Safety Events Affect 1 in 1000 Hospitalizations
March 1, 2013
Co-occurring events contributed to longer lengths of stay and higher hospital costs for 30,000 patients in 2004
New Anticoagulation Website Offers Guidelines, Self-Assessment Tools
March 1, 2013
Online resource center useful for hospital-based outpatient clinics treating patients on anti-thrombotic medications
Special Interest Groups Target Healthcare Waste
March 1, 2013
New reports from and the Commonwealth Fund point to wasteful spending, avoidable hospital readmissions
Post-Hospital Syndrome Contributes to Readmission Risk for Elderly
March 1, 2013
Sleep deprivation and other patient stressors in hospitals may hike 30-day readmission rates, experts suggest
Automated Hospital Inpatient Assignment Program Increases Efficiency, Coordination of Care
March 1, 2013
Computerized program evenly distributes hospitalist workload
Houston Hospitalists Create Direct-Admit System
March 1, 2013
Computer application streamlines time-consuming hospital admission process for referring physicians and PCPs