HM14 Special Report: Research in Medical Education
March 25, 2014
Tips and pearls for hospitalists beginning a career in the field of researching medical education
HM14 Special Report: SHM Leadership Committee Meeting
March 25, 2014
SHM leadership programs build foundations of effective leadership, teach team building and conflict resolution, and help leaders better understand finances in hospital medicine
HM14 Lineup Packed with Learning, Networking Opportunities
March 24, 2014
Tips for hospitalists to make the most of SHM’s annual meeting in Las Vegas
Bright Lights, Big City: Las Vegas Is More Than the Strip
March 24, 2014
Downtown, nearby suburbs boast excellent dining, recreation
Less is More When it Comes to Blood Transfusions
March 20, 2014
Does a restrictive transfusion strategy with a hemoglobin trigger of less than 7g/dL improve outcomes as compared with a more liberal strategy?
Tight Glycemic Control Leads to More Hypoglycemia in the Pediatric ICU Population
March 20, 2014
Does tight control of hyperglycemia improve outcomes in the pediatric intensive care unit?
CDC Report Calls for Hospitalists to Focus on Antibiotic Stewardship
March 19, 2014
Hospitalist prescribing practices, treatment standards need work
ICU Pressure Improves Patient Transfers to the Hospital Floor
March 19, 2014
Rising costs, projected shortages in critical care staff have prompted physicians to use ICU services more efficiently: study
Hospitalists Are Uniquely Qualified for Global Health Initiatives
March 11, 2014
From echocardiograms to ICUs, hospitalists in low-resource nations are “true generalists”
Mortality, Readmission Rates Higher for Patients on Opioids Before Hospitalization
March 6, 2014
Study finds increased risks for inpatients on chronic opioid therapy within six months prior to admission