Change To Dietary Rule Could Free Up Hospitalists for Other Tasks
June 19, 2014
Registered dietitians now allowed to prescribe therapeutic diets for inpatients
Telemedicine on Capitol Hill
June 4, 2014
Hospitalist Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH, addresses a Congressional subcommittee on potential of e-health technology
Overworked Hospitalists Linked to Higher Costs, Longer Lengths of Stay
June 4, 2014
JAMA Internal Medicine study suggests 15 encounters per day is optimal patient census
Why Hospitalists Should Heed Choosing Wisely Recommendations
June 1, 2014
Cost-effectiveness campaign should compel physicians to be good stewards of finite healthcare resources
How Generation X-Era Physicians Have Energized Hospital Medicine
June 1, 2014
Gen-X hospitalists’ desire to work independently, achieve work-life balance has helped grow HM specialty at fast pace
American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation’s Choosing Wisely Campaign Promotes Evidence-Based Patient Care
June 1, 2014
Specialty societies, consumer groups have identified more than 300 potentially harmful tests, procedures physicians should discuss with patients; more to come throughout 2014
When to Order Red Blood Cell Transfusion for Patients with Anemia
June 1, 2014
American Association of Blood Banks’ 2012 clinical guidelines update criteria for RBC transfusion therapy
Which Patients Should be Screened for Hepatitis C Virus Infection?
June 1, 2014
Insufficient current screening strategies for people with high prevalence of chronic HCV infection should prompt hospitalists to improve screening rates in this population
Inhaled Corticosteroids Increase Risk of Serious Pneumonia in Patients with COPD
June 1, 2014
Risk is higher with fluticasone, lower with budesonide
Ambulatory Patients with COPD Exacerbations Can Be Managed Without Antibiotics in the Absence of Increased Sputum Purulence, Elevated C-Reactive Protein
June 1, 2014
Increased sputum purulence and CRP >40 mg/L identified COPD patients likely to have a clinical failure without antibiotics