• News

    Inpatient Strokes Average 4.5 Hours From Recognition to Computed Tomography

    December 2, 2014

    Time, in hours, from recognition of stroke symptoms to computed tomography for hospitalized patients, compared with 1.3 hours for stroke patients brought to the ED, according to a study recently presented at the Canadian Stroke Congress. The report estimates 17% of strokes occur among inpatients,

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    Pediatric Hospitalist David Pressel, MD, Hooked on Hospital Medicine

    December 2, 2014

    Sometimes a physician’s choice of specialty is borne of one patient, one mentor, or one experience. And then sometimes there’s just a good feeling. Put David Pressel, MD, PhD, FHM, in the latter category. [caption id="attachment_7188" align="alignright" width="75"] Dr.

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    Should Patients with an Unprovoked VTE Be Screened for Malignancy or a Hypercoagulable State?

    December 2, 2014

    [caption id="attachment_7184" align="alignright" width="280"] Thrombosed blood vessel.

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    Ebola Spurs Better Infection Prevention Practices for U.S.-based Hospitalists

    December 2, 2014

    Much has been written, spoken, declared, retracted, and learned about a tiny little RNA virus by the name of Ebola. This encapsulated virus has been as disruptive to the psychology and operations of U.S. hospitals as it has been to the physiology of those infected.

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    Cut Costs, Improve Quality and Patient Experience

    December 2, 2014

    “Now that’s a fire!” —Eddie Murphy This is the final column in my five-part series tracing the history of the hospitalist movement and the factors that propelled it into becoming the fastest growing medical specialty in history and the mainstay of American medicine that it has become. In the

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    Early Warning System Boosts Sepsis Detection, Care

    November 19, 2014

    An alert system that monitors inpatients at risk of developing sepsis can prompt early sepsis care, can speed patient transfers to the ICU, and may even reduce mortality risk from sepsis. A recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine reports on an early warning and response system

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    Hospitalist Adds County Coroner to His Résumé

    November 19, 2014

    Hospitalists have taken positions in every corner of healthcare: the C-suite, hospital administration, and even nominee for U.S. surgeon general. [caption id="attachment_7133" align="alignright" width="175"] Dr.

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    New-Onset Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation Associated With Increased Risk of Ischemic Stroke

    November 10, 2014

    Clinical question For patients undergoing any inpatient surgery, is the presence of new-onset perioperative atrial fibrillation associated with a greater long-term risk of ischemic stroke? Bottom line Perioperative atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke

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    Colchicine Prevents Postpericardiotomy Syndrome Following Cardiac Surgery

    November 10, 2014

    Clinical question Does perioperative colchicine reduce postpericardiotomy syndrome following cardiac surgery? Bottom line The use of colchicine in the perioperative period decreases the incidence of postpericardiotomy syndrome after cardiac surgery with a number needed to treat (NNT) of 10.

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    Insulin Rules in the Hospital

    November 10, 2014

    Although new medications to manage and treat hyperglycemia and diabetes continuously appear on the market, national guidelines and position statements consistently refer to insulin as the treatment of choice in the inpatient hospital setting. “When patients are admitted to the hospital, our stand