10 Things Oncologists Think Hospitalists Need to Know
December 2, 2014
Things you need to know An occasional series providing specialty-specific advice for hospitalists from experts in the field. COMING UP: 10 Things Endocrinologists Want HM to Know Archived: 10 Things Infectious Disease 12 Things Cardiology 12 Things Nephrology 12 Th
For Patients in Clinical Trials, Health, Safety Top Concerns for Hospitalists
December 2, 2014
Patients might come into a hospitalist’s care when they are in the middle of a clinical trial. What then? The first step for a hospitalist is to find out whether a patient is enrolled in a trial. “The safety and health of a patient obviously are more important than anything else,” Dr.
Palliative Care Patient Transitions Challenging For Hospitalists, Oncologists
December 2, 2014
When should treating a cancer patient become more about controlling symptoms and making the patient comfortable than about trying to slow the cancer itself? Hospitalists, who often care for patients in the worst stages of health, regularly make important observations that result in a patient tran
Antibiotic Overprescribing Sparks Call for Stronger Stewardship
December 2, 2014
Antibiotic overprescription remains a problem in the U.S. and abroad and shows no signs of slowing.
Medicare Readmissions Penalties Expected to Reach $428 Million
December 2, 2014
CMS started the third year of its Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program on October 1, with 2,610 U.S.
In-Room Computer Tablets Help Hospital Patients Learn, Communicate
December 2, 2014
New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital is among a growing number of healthcare systems nationwide providing patients with tablet computing devices. Loaded with an HIPAA-compliant “patient itinerary” application designed by the hospital’s information technology (IT) department, the tablets give patients
Inpatient Strokes Average 4.5 Hours From Recognition to Computed Tomography
December 2, 2014
Time, in hours, from recognition of stroke symptoms to computed tomography for hospitalized patients, compared with 1.3 hours for stroke patients brought to the ED, according to a study recently presented at the Canadian Stroke Congress. The report estimates 17% of strokes occur among inpatients,
Pediatric Hospitalist David Pressel, MD, Hooked on Hospital Medicine
December 2, 2014
Sometimes a physician’s choice of specialty is borne of one patient, one mentor, or one experience. And then sometimes there’s just a good feeling. Put David Pressel, MD, PhD, FHM, in the latter category. [caption id="attachment_7188" align="alignright" width="75"] Dr.
Should Patients with an Unprovoked VTE Be Screened for Malignancy or a Hypercoagulable State?
December 2, 2014
[caption id="attachment_7184" align="alignright" width="280"] Thrombosed blood vessel.
Society of Hospital Medicine’s Advocacy Efforts, Then and Now
December 2, 2014
Another year older, another year wiser. SHM’s advocacy efforts have grown immensely in the last year thanks to proactive members who understand the importance of being involved and taking action.