Hospitalists’ Responsibility, Role in Readmission Prevention
April 3, 2015
[caption id="attachment_8611" align="alignright" width="295"] Image credit: ILLUSTRATION/PAUL JUESTRICH; PHOTOs[/caption] Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH, K.T.
Hospital Readmissions Rates, Medicare Penalty Analysis
April 3, 2015
A widely cited statistic in the national readmissions debate holds that one in five acute hospital discharges will lead to a readmission within 30 days.1 Associated costs are estimated at $17.5 billion, although that figure encapsulates significant variation across diagnoses, regions, and hospital m
Technology May Offer Solutions to Hospitalists’ Readmissions Exposure
April 3, 2015
Almost weekly, a white paper, report, journal article, or press release touts a new program, software, or technology system offering to help hospitals improve their readmissions avoidance processes and penalty exposure.
Nine Things Hospitalists Need to Know about Treating Patients with Endocrine Disorders
April 3, 2015
Diabetes is as prevalent in hospitals today as lab coats and heart monitors. More than 8% of the population—almost 26 million people—and nearly 27% (11 million) of Americans 65 or older have diabetes, according to American Diabetes Association (ADA) statistics.
Assessing, Managing Delirium in Hospitalized Patients
April 3, 2015
HM15 Presenter: Ethan Cumbler, MD, FHM, FACP Summary: Delirium is a common problem in hospitalized patients, and all too often delirium is iatrogenic.
Mobile Apps to Improve Quality, Value at Point-of-Care for Inpatients
April 3, 2015
HM15 Presenters: Roger Yu, MD, Cheng-Kai Kao, MD, Anuj Dalal, MD, and Amit Pahwa, MD Summary: The panel of high-tech doctors helped a standing-room-only crowd navigate numerous apps to be used at point-of-care [PDF, 458 kb]. Groups worked through case studies utilizing applicable mobile apps.
Society of Hospital Medicine Pediatric Committee Updates at HM15
April 2, 2015
During a session at the Society of Hospital Medicine's HM15 annual meeting, SHM Pediatric Committee chair Kris Rehm, MD, outlined a number of the committee's current endeavors.
Bedside Procedures and Ultrasound: Evidence and Cost of Doing Business
April 2, 2015
HM15 presenters: Joshua D. Lenchus, DO, FACP, SFHM, and Nilam Soni, MD, FHM Summary: Drs. Lenchus and Soni focused on the forces that are driving the value and success of established procedure teams in hospital medicine groups (HMGs).
Enhancing Physical Exam Skills, and Strategies to Teach Them
April 2, 2015
HM15 presenters: Verity Schaye, Michael Janjigian, Frank Volpicelli, Susan Hunt. Performing a physical exam is the standard of care for evaluating patients. It has been shown to have higher diagnostic utility than many technology based tests.
Update in Hospital Medicine 2015
April 1, 2015
Kathleen Finn, MD, FHM and Jeffrey Greenwald, MD, SFHM engaged the audience with their playful banter while reviewing medical literature of clinical significance for the hospitalist in Update in Hospital Medicine.