Identifying Frequent Flyers Could Reduce Preventable Readmissions
June 16, 2015
The lead author of a new Journal of Hospital Medicine report says one step hospitalists can take toward reducing preventable rehospitalizations is identifying the common traits of frequently admitted patients. Marilyn Szekendi, PhD, RN, director of quality research at University Health System Con
Continued Statin Therapy Has No Survival Benefit in Advanced Life-Limiting Illness
June 16, 2015
Clinical question: What is the impact of statin discontinuation in palliative care setting? Background: There is compelling evidence for prescribing statins for primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease for patients with long life expectancy, but there is no evidence to guide deci
Startup Pharmacy Takes Mail-Order to Next Level, Could Solve Medication Management Issue for Millions
June 10, 2015
It only takes one idea to help change the face of medicine and, recently, Forbes posted an article outlining a small startup pharmacy that could change the way we get our medication.
From a Near-Catastrophe, I-CARE
June 9, 2015
For Robert Fogerty, MD, MPH, it’s more than just a story. It’s a nightmare that he only narrowly avoided. Now a hospitalist at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., Dr.
The Hospital Leader Blogger Recalls Advocating on Capitol Hill
June 8, 2015
Editor’s note: Hospitalists of all kinds are sharing their perspectives and experiences at SHM’s official blog, The Hospital Leader, including a medical student sharing her new enthusiasm for public advocacy.
SIRS Criteria Could Identify More Patients with Severe Sepsis
June 8, 2015
Clinical question: Does inclusion of two or more SIRS criteria in the definition of severe sepsis accurately identify patients with higher mortality risk, as compared with patients with infection and organ failure but with fewer than two SIRS criteria? Background: SIRS describes dysregulation of
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Use in Older Patients Taking Spironolactone
June 8, 2015
Clinical question: Does trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) increase the risk of sudden death in older patients taking spironolactone? Background: TMP-SMX increases the risk of hyperkalemia when used with spironolactone; however, previous studies have not examined whether the drug interaction
Medicare Nonpayment for Hospital-Acquired Conditions May Have Reduced Infection Rates
June 8, 2015
Clinical question: What was the effect of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) nonpayment for hospital-acquired conditions? Background: In 2008, CMS implemented the Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HAC) initiative, denying incremental payment to hospitals for complications of hospit
Peri-Operative Phlebotomy Might Cause Significant Blood Loss in Cardiac Surgery Patients
June 8, 2015
Clinical question: What are the frequency of laboratory testing, the average total blood volume drawn per patient, and the resulting transfusion utilization in patients undergoing cardiac surgery? Background: Healthcare providers seldom recognize the amount of phlebotomy, and, therefore, its cons
Clostridium Difficile Infection Rates in the U.S. in 2011
June 8, 2015
Clinical question: What are the incidence, recurrence rate, and mortality rate of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in the U.S.