• News

    Methylphenidate Linked to Sleep and Appetite Loss

    December 14, 2015

    LONDON - Researchers voiced concern on Nov.

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    Leadership Academy ‘Hits Nail on the Head’

    December 11, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_11505" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr. Galloway[/caption] The Leadership Academy, presented by SHM, was held in October in Austin, Texas.

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    Team Hospitalist Advisory Board Accepting Applications for 2016-2018 Terms

    December 10, 2015

    The Hospitalist, the official news magazine of the Society of Hospital Medicine, is always on the lookout for creative individuals dedicated to the field of hospital medicine to assist with editorial ideas and occasional writing. Team Hospitalist is a voluntary, editorial advisory board made up o

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    Stent Thrombosis Risk Linked to Bioresorbable Scaffold

    December 8, 2015

    NEW YORK - Restenosis rates are similar one year after implantation of an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold or an everolimus-eluting metallic stent, but the scaffold has a higher risk of device thrombosis within 30 days, a new meta-analysis shows. The meta-analysis suggests that

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    IVUS Stent Implantation Could Reduce Cardiac Events

    December 7, 2015

    NEW YORK - Intravascular ultrasound-guided (IVUS) stent implantation can lead to fewer adverse cardiac events compared with angiography-guided implantation, according to a new trial. "Among patients requiring long coronary stent implantation, the use of IVUS-guided everolimus-eluting stent implan

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    Unassigned, Undocumented Patients Take a Toll on Healthcare and Hospitalists

    December 3, 2015

    When a patient must remain in the acute care hospital setting—despite being well enough to transition to a lower level of care, costs continue to mount as the patient receives care at the most expensive level. “But policymakers must understand that reducing support for essential hospitals might s

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    99% of Medical-Device Monitoring Alerts Not Actionable

    December 3, 2015

    Nearly all medical-device monitoring alerts on regular hospital units were found not to be actionable, according to a study by pediatrician and researcher Chris Bonafide, MD, MSCE, at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, based on reviewing hours of video from patient rooms.1 Reference Bonafide

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    Heparin Bridging for Atrial Fibrillation

    December 3, 2015

    Maralyssa Bann, MD, Kay M. Johnson, MD, Anneliese M. Schleyer, MD, MHA, FHM, Shobha W. Stack, MD, PhD, Lindee Strizich, MD, MSc, Jessica S. Woan, MD; Hospital Medicine Program, University of Washington Medicine, Seattle

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    Hospital Medicine Exchange Adds Mobile App to Mark Its 3rd Birthday

    December 3, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_12270" align="alignright" width="175"] Image Credit: ILLUSTRATION/PAUL JUESTRICH; PHOTOs shutterstock.com[/caption] Three years ago, SHM launched Hospital Medicine Exchange (HMX), an online collaborative forum designed to foster thoughtful discussions related to the hospit

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    Study: Hospitalists Can Drive Quality Improvement, Cut Costs

    December 2, 2015

    A quality improvement (QI) initiative can start with a single hospitalist, says Adam H. Corson, MD, a hospitalist at Seattle’s Swedish Medical Center. In a study presented at SHM's annual meeting, Dr.