Research Reaffirms Management of Hospitalized Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia
April 6, 2016
Clinical question: What is the best antibiotic strategy to improve outcomes in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia? Bottom line: For patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), start antibiotics early, use either fluoroquinolone monotherapy or beta-lactam/ma
When Should Harm-Reduction Strategies Be Used for Inpatients with Opioid Misuse?
April 6, 2016
Case A 33-year-old male with a history of opioid overdose and opioid use disorder is admitted with IV heroin use complicated by injection site cellulitis. He is started on antibiotics with improvement in his cellulitis; however, his hospitalization is complicated by acute opioid withdrawal.
HM16 Q&A: What Problem Do You Hope Health IT Solves?
April 6, 2016
With the rolling out of the Health IT track on the second full day of HM16, The Hospitalist asked: What problem do you hope health IT solves or helps you solve over the next five years? [caption id="attachment_14163" align="alignleft" width="150"] Farhanaz Chowdhury, MD[/caption] Farhanaz Chow
New Findings Show: Factors Contributing to the Prevalence in readmission for Bariatric Surgery Patients
April 6, 2016
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - About one in 20 bariatric surgery patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of having the procedure, according to new findings. Readmissions are increasingly being used as a quality metric for surgical procedures, Dr.
New Analysis shows that Women who Develop Diabetes while Pregnant are Likely to Develop Fatty Liver Disease
April 5, 2016
(Reuters Health) - Women who develop diabetes while pregnant may be at elevated risk of also developing a dangerous build up of fat in their livers when they reach middle age, according to a new analysis. The common risk factor for both gestational diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,
The Society of Hospital Medicine is partnering with 18 U.S. Hospitals to Improve Patient Outcomes through Medication Reconciliation
April 5, 2016
The Society of Hospital Medicine Center for Hospital Innovation is supporting the implementation of a second iteration of the Multi-Center Medication Reconciliation Quality Improvement Study, or MARQUIS2.
Sign Up to Receive State of Hospital Medicine Report
April 5, 2016
Thank you to all who participated in the 2016 State of Hospital Medicine survey, the only national survey that collects information at the practice level.
HM16 Q&A: How Can Hospitalists Avoid Burnout?
April 5, 2016
Robert Wachter, MD, MHM, chief of the Division of Hospital Medicine at the University of California San Francisco, in his annual address touched on some of the challenges for hospital medicine at the 20-year mark.
QUIZ: Which Strategy Should Hospitalists Employ to Reduce the Risk of Opioid Misuse?
April 4, 2016
[WpProQuiz 6] [WpProQuiz_toplist 6]
Ischemic Hepatitis Associated with High Inpatient Mortality
April 4, 2016
Clinical question: What is the incidence and outcome of patients with ischemic hepatitis? Background: Ischemic hepatitis, or shock liver, is often diagnosed in patients with massive increase in aminotransferase levels most often exceeding 1000 IU/L in the setting of hepatic hypoperfusion.