Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2016 Wrap Up
September 3, 2016
Get caught up on the key session highlights from Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2016
After a Fracture, Patients Often Continue Meds that Boost Fracture Risk
September 2, 2016
Older people who break a bone are often receiving medications that can increase the risk of a fracture
Spreading Innovation among Hospitalists
September 1, 2016
As part of an emerging and rapidly growing specialty, academic hospitalists face unique challenges in career advancement
Dr. Benjamin Frizner Brings Post-Acute-Care Expertise to TH’s Editorial Board
August 31, 2016
After a four-year stint as director of the hospitalist program at Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Dr. Frizner took a job as director of the Ventilator Unit at FutureCare Irvington, a post-acute-care center in Baltimore staffed by CEP America
QUIZ: Which Pain Medication to Use for Patients with ESRD on HD?
August 30, 2016
[WpProQuiz 13] [WpProQuiz_toplist 13]
New on SHM’s Learning Portal: Preventing Stoke in Nonvalvular AFib Patients
August 30, 2016
The interactive video case module evaluates the current guidelines and scientific evidence regarding oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention in patients with NVAF
Provide Feedback on State of EHRs in Hospital Medicine
August 30, 2016
Data from hospitalists have been collected through a survey with AmericanEHR over the past two months
Patients Concerned about Hospitalist Service Handovers
August 29, 2016
What do patients experience during hospitalist service handovers?
Warfarin Reduces Risk of Ischemic Stroke in High-Risk Patients
August 29, 2016
What are the risks and benefits of warfarin or antiplatelet drugs compared with no antithrombotic therapy in patients with a previous intracranial hemorrhage?
Medical Student Guides Aspiring Physicians into Hospital Medicine
August 28, 2016
Aram Namavar, MS, is recipient of SHM’s Student Hospitalist Scholar Grant