Portable hematology analyzer gets FDA nod
The Food and Drug Administration has granted
.HemoScreen requires a single drop of blood and uses disposable cartridges that provide automatic sample preparation.
HemoScreen can analyze 20 standard complete blood count parameters and produces results within 5 minutes.
Study results suggested that HemoScreen provides results comparable to those of another hematology analyzer, Sysmex XE-2100 (J Clin Pathol. 2016 Aug;69[8]:720-5).
“The HemoScreen delivers lab accurate results,” Avishay Bransky, PhD, CEO of PixCell, said in a statement.
HemoScreen “would be especially useful” in physicians’ offices, emergency rooms, intensive care units, oncology clinics, and remote locations, he added.
HemoScreen makes use of a technology called viscoelastic focusing, which employs microfluidics and machine vision algorithms to analyze cells.