While U.S. heart failure readmissions fall, deaths rise
September 20, 2017
DALLAS – CMS’s penalties for heart failure outcomes may have unintentionally pushed hospitals toward “gaming the system.”
Sneak Peek: Journal of Hospital Medicine – Sept. 2017
September 20, 2017
Read the latest research from the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the premier publication for dissemination of research and education for the specialty of hospital medicine.
VIDEO: Educational intervention boosts A fib anticoagulation
September 19, 2017
BARCELONA – Patient education and feedback increased anticoagulation and cut strokes.
Statins linked to lower death rates in COPD
September 19, 2017
Researchers explore whether COPD progression results from systemic inflammation.
Hospital readmissions penalties now in 5th year
September 19, 2017
Critics have questioned whether hospitals should be held accountable for readmissions, whether 30 days is the correct time frame for that accountability, and whether some hospitals might be taking the penalty hit rather than investing in care transitions.
Hospital-led interventions cut pediatric asthma hospitalizations
September 18, 2017
A range of hospital-driven interventions achieved various benefits for asthmatic children and adolescents in Hamilton County, Ohio.
Increase in sepsis incidence stable from 2009 to 2014
September 15, 2017
EHR-based analysis proves more accurate for determining sepsis incidence.
Here’s what’s trending at SHM – Sept. 2017
September 14, 2017
Catch up on the latest news about upcoming events, new programs, and SHM initiatives.
More studies show Medicaid expansion has benefited hospitals
September 12, 2017
Any contraction of the Medicaid expansion offered through the Affordable Care Act will reduce overall health insurance coverage and could have important financial implications for U.S. hospitals.
Bezlotoxumab may lower risk of C. difficile readmissions
September 11, 2017
A phase 3 drug trial shows promise for high-risk recurrent CDI patients after discharge.