Diagnostic delays, morbidity, and epidural abscesses
February 20, 2018
What is the frequency of diagnostic delays in epidural abscesses, and what factors may contribute to these delays?
Flu increase may be slowing
February 16, 2018
Flu outpatient activity held steady, but hospitalizations continued to rise at a record rate.
Building a better U.S. health care system
February 15, 2018
International comparisons suggest that the U.S. health care system could learn some lessons from other high-income nations.
Blood test approved for patients with concussions
February 15, 2018
The new test can quickly determine who needs CT scans – and will hopefully reduce costs.
New C. difficile guidelines recommend fecal microbiota transplants
February 15, 2018
About one-quarter of patients whose infection is treated with vancomycin will likely experience at least one additional episode of infection.
CPR decision support videos can serve as a supplement to CPR preference discussions for inpatients
February 15, 2018
Does the use of a CPR decision support video impact patients’ code status preferences?
Consent and DNR orders
February 14, 2018
Where have the courts set the lines over the issue of consent surrounding decisions to withhold CPR?
Radiation exposure in MICU may exceed recommended limit
February 14, 2018
In a study of 4,155 patients admitted to a medical ICU, 1% accrued a cumulative effective dose of radiation of at least 100 mSv.
Evidence-based care processes decrease mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
February 14, 2018
What are the trends in patient outcome for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB)? Does the use of evidence-based care processes decrease mortality in SAB?
Short Takes
February 13, 2018
Fluoroquinolone use tied to higher risk of aortic dissection and aneurysm.