Hospitalist movers and shakers – March 2018
March 26, 2018
Take note of some recent career transitions in the hospital medicine community.
Top hospital heart failure performance translates to longer survival
March 24, 2018
ORLANDO – Get With the Guidelines data show that quality hospital care lengthens lives.
How policy illustrates the value of SHM membership
March 23, 2018
Membership in SHM contributes directly to the advocacy efforts of the Society.
Hospital boards can promote quality improvement
March 21, 2018
Study highlights the importance of board-level clinical leaders in hospitals.
Beware of polypharmacy in patients taking warfarin
March 20, 2018
SAN DIEGO – The incidence of polypharmacy among patients on warfarin therapy appears to peak at age 75.
Making structural improvements in health care
March 20, 2018
The relatively new field of improvement science provides a framework for research focused on health care improvement.
Abdominal pain with high transaminases
March 19, 2018
Are abnormalities in alkaline phosphatase always present during the passage of gallstones?
New tool improves hand-off communications
March 19, 2018
One of the riskiest transitions that patients go through is when they change levels of care.
DOACs may be beneficial in post-op atrial fib after CABG
March 17, 2018
The use of direct oral anticoagulants were not significantly different from warfarin for safety and efficacy in cases of post-op atrial fib following coronary artery bypass grafting.
When should nutritional support be implemented in a hospitalized patient?
March 16, 2018
Nutritional support should be provided to hospitalized patients via the most physiologic route possible.