ESBL-resistant bacteria spread in hospital despite strict contact precautions
May 14, 2018
Adherence to strict contact isolation and hand hygiene is never 100% in a real-life scenario.
Multiple analgesia options for kids with acute pain
May 14, 2018
TORONTO – When analgesia is indicated, clinicians can choose from a variety of agents in the postcodeine era.
Keep pushing the envelope
May 14, 2018
SHM is an organization that, from the top down, embraces change in a way that few other organizations do.
CAZ-AVI appears safe, effective in pediatric complicated UTI, intra-abdominal infections
May 10, 2018
MADRID The combo CAZ-AVI, with or without metronidazole, cured close to 90% of UTIs and intra-abdominal infections in both studies.
Thirty-second atrial fib threshold may drive overdiagnosis
May 10, 2018
BOSTON – The current 30-second threshold for defining clinically meaningful AF “metastasized” from a select subgroup of patients to all AF settings.
Zika topped Lyme in 2016
May 10, 2018
In the race between ticks and mosquitoes, who do you root for: Lyme or Zika?
SHM and Neurohospitalist Society partner on new program for stroke patients
May 9, 2018
The partnership intends to help assure continuous quality in the care of stroke patients with large vessel occlusion.
Tower Health teams with SHM as first health system institutional partner
May 8, 2018
Health system makes a strategic decision to become an SHM institutional partner.
Physician learning must evolve as industry transforms
May 7, 2018
Standardized patient encounter training is a live simulation in a clinical setting with trained actors.
Don’t shorten therapy for older, sicker cellulitis patients
May 6, 2018
Elderly patients with cellulitis and comorbid conditions probably need a full 12-day course of treatment.