The Hospitalist - An Official Publication of Society of Hospital Medicine

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From SHM

  • Celebrate National Hospitalist Day with SHM and The Hospitalist

    The third annual HM Voices National Hospitalist Day Contest is now accepting submissions. HM Voices is The Hospitalist’s online section where SHM members can unleash their creativity. We showcase creative writing—In Your Words (poetry, essays, etc.) or creative visuals—In Your Eyes (photos, art, digital creations).

    This year’s National Hospitalist Day is focused on celebrating the ABCs of hospitalists’ impact on the hospital medicine community through Advancing care, Building community, and Creating opportunity. Express any or all aspects of this theme creatively through art, poetry, videos, essays, photography, etc., and send your submissions to [email protected]. The deadline is March 31. The top three winners will be published in an upcoming issue of The Hospitalist, and all submissions will be published online.

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From JHM

  • Check out the Latest Issue of JHM

    The March issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine features:

    Disparities in post discharge follow-up and risk of readmission between Medicaid and privately insured patients
    The work environment and hospitalist work well-being and burnout
    Association between initial antibiotic route and outcomes for children hospitalized with pneumonia
    Academic hospitalist perspectives on the benefits and challenges of secure messaging: A mixed methods analysis

    ...and much, much more!

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