ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to new physician editor Danielle Scheurer’s vision for The Hospitalist
April 11, 2012
One goal is to make more interactive, allowing for more direct participation from readers
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: SHM President, NQF CEO Discuss SHM’s Earning National Quality Award
April 11, 2012
SHM President Joe Li explains HM's role in QI and how he expects the model will grow; NQF CEO Janet Corrigan discusses SHM's mentored implementation
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to a Hospitalist and Career Expert Discuss What It Takes to Be a Leader
April 11, 2012
Cathleen Ammann, MD, SFHM, discusses her motivation to be an HM group leader; career counselor Kay Cannon talks about attributes physician leaders must possess
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to an ID specialist explains why de-escalation of antibiotics isn’t a simple proposition
March 31, 2012
Infectious disease specialist and former hospitalist Leland Allen, MD, discusses the de-escalation of antibiotics and why that might not always be a simple proposition for hospitalists
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to Bob Wachter, Norm Orenstein, and Michael Pistoria preview HM12 keynote addresses
March 2, 2012
HM12's key speakers discuss the future of HM, the possibility of health reform being repealed, and how to get the most out of an annual meeting
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to a senior research scholar Mary Gatta, PhD, discuss why gender pay gaps continue to exist
March 2, 2012
Dr. Gatta, senior research scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, explains what hospitalists can do to address gaps in compensation
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Hospitalists turned C-Suiters tell their secrets
March 2, 2012
Jeffrey Sperring, MD, discusses his path to the C-suite and keys to his success
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Hospitalist, IHO president discuss how hospitals become overwhelmed with patients
February 8, 2012
Listen to Ellis Knight, MD, MBA, FHM, discuss research by the Institute for Healthcare Optimization (IHO) and IHO president and CEO Eugene Litvak, PhD, talk about how hospitals become overwhelmed with patients.
FDA Investigates Major Bleeding Events in Dabigatran Patients
January 24, 2012
Patients should not stop taking dabigatran without first talking to their doctors, the FDA cautions
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: The Culture of Medicine Must Change, Watchdog Group Says
January 4, 2012
Kevin Kavanagh, MD, MS, FACS, director of Somerset, Ky.-based Health Watch USA, discusses the lingering difficulty in changing the culture of medicine to embrace such proven HAI interventions as basic hand hygiene and checklists