Experienced HM clinicians tackle opioid issues
May 1, 2017
"We will be discussing how hospitalists have contributed to the opioid epidemic, and how we can be part of the solution."
Welcome to the Annual Meeting
April 30, 2017
Your decision to join your colleagues at HM17 demonstrates your commitment to not only the specialty of hospital medicine but also to the patients you serve.
Start your day with meditation
April 30, 2017
Take a breather from conferencing and join your colleagues for a meditation session.
HM17 special interest forums
April 28, 2017
The Society of Hospital Medicine presents a variety of special interest forums during its annual meeting.
Learn how to lead the battle against unnecessary testing
April 28, 2017
The estimates are that about a third of what we do in health care is unnecessary.
What hospitalists must know about co-management
April 28, 2017
With patient comanagement arrangements between hospitalists and other surgical and medical subspecialists becoming more common, HM17 attendees won’t want to miss this session.
HM17 satellite symposia schedule, information
April 28, 2017
A round-up of the various satellite symposia at HM17
MEDtalk presentations
April 21, 2017
Check out this year's schedule of MEDtalk presentations at HM17.
What’s new at HM17
March 31, 2017
One of the top priorities of the HM17 planning committee was to create a diversity of topics that will appeal to hospitalists in a variety of settings. SHM leaders believe they have fulfilled that mandate.
HM17’s ‘must-see sessions’
March 31, 2017
11 editorial board recommendations for precourses, breakout sessions, and workshops