Avoiding excess oxygen in mechanically ventilated patients ‘seems sensible’
June 2, 2021
Future trials “will have to address how a particular [oxygenation] target is both set and achieved in each group of patients, particularly those with specific organ injuries.”
The COVID-19 pandemic and changes in pediatric respiratory and nonrespiratory illnesses
May 26, 2021
Reduced transmission of infectious agents may not fully explain these findings.
Care of post–acute COVID-19 patients requires multidisciplinary collaboration
May 21, 2021
Expert addresses pathophysiology, epidemiology, and management of patients with postacute COVID-19 syndrome.
Worse outcomes for patients with COPD and COVID-19
May 19, 2021
Worse outcomes include 14-day hospitalization, length of stay, ICU admission, 30-day mortality, and use of mechanical ventilation.
Trends in the management of pulmonary embolism
May 7, 2021
After completion of primary treatment for patients with unprovoked DVT and/or PE, guidelines suggest indefinite antithrombotic therapy over stopping anticoagulation.
Expert emphasizes importance of screening for OSA prior to surgery
May 6, 2021
Hospitalists should standardize the process for obstructive sleep apnea screening of all patients heading into the operating room.
Evidence or anecdote: Clinical judgment in COVID care
May 4, 2021
Friendly debate emphasizes the need to weigh evidence for drug treatment of COVID-19.
Weight-related COVID-19 severity starts in normal BMI range, especially in young
May 4, 2021
Increases in BMI, beginning in normal ranges, show a linear link to severe COVID-19 outcomes, independent of obesity-related diseases in younger and Black patients.
Ruling out PE in patients with low C-PTP and D dimer of less than 1,000 ng/mL
April 30, 2021
Can we rule out pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients with a low clinical pretest probability (C-PTP) and a D dimer of less than 1,000 ng/mL?
Pediatric bronchiolitis: Less is more
April 27, 2021
With bronchiolitis still the poster disease for low-value interventions, it’s time to retire widely used but ineffective therapies and focus on supportive care, researchers say.