Endoscopy-related infections found higher than expected, prophylaxis overused
October 27, 2018
ATLANTA – “The potential for this becoming a bit of a monster is enhanced by the widespread use of prophylactic antimicrobials during endoscopy.”
EHR-guided strategy reduces postop VTE events
October 27, 2018
BOSTON – Missed doses of enoxaparin correlate with increased incidence of deep vein thrombosis.
Antipsychotic drugs failed to shorten ICU delirium
October 26, 2018
The mechanisms of brain dysfunction targeted by antipsychotics may not play a major role in delirium.
FDA clears Abbott’s Influenza A & B 2, Strep A 2 assays
October 25, 2018
The Influenza A & B 2 assay can detect and differentiate influenza A and B in 13 minutes, while the Strep A 2 assay detects group A streptococcus bacterial nucleic acid in 6 minutes.
FDA approves Xofluza for treatment of influenza
October 24, 2018
The FDA has approved Xofluza for acute uncomplicated influenza in people aged 12 years or older who have been symptomatic for 48 hours or less.
CT for evaluating pulmonary embolism overused
October 12, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – Computed tomography may be is overused for evaluation of pulmonary embolism.
Obesity paradox extends to PE patients
October 9, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – The obese patients in the analysis had a lower mortality risk, despite receiving more thrombolytics.
Pulmonary NP ensures care continuity, reduces readmissions
October 9, 2018
A pulmonary NP ensured continuity of care by keeping critical care teams “honest” before discharge home.
Pulmonary circulation disorders predict noninvasive vent failure
October 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO - Patients with alcohol abuse or fluid and electrolyte abnormalities also had a higher risk of needing intubation.
Chronic liver disease raises death risk in pneumonia patients
October 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – Liver disease increased the risk of intubation in pneumonia patients.