HM19 Day One highlights: Pulmonary, critical care, and perioperative care updates (VIDEO)
March 29, 2019
Marina Farah, MD, MHA, and Kranthi Sitammagari, MD, editorial board members for The Hospitalist, discuss Day One highlights from HM19.
Occurrence of pulmonary embolisms in hospitalized patients nearly doubled during 2004-2015
March 24, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – National Inpatient Sample data showed that during 2004-2015 hospitalized U.S. patients with a PE diagnosis jumped by 80%.
Rounding team boosts ICU liberation efforts
March 8, 2019
SAN DIEGO – A group of clinicians making daily rounds in the ICU improved the outcomes from the ABCDEF bundle.
Take stronger steps to prevent staph infections and sepsis
March 5, 2019
CDC Vital Signs report suggests that declines in staph infections and death have leveled off.
New SOFA version could streamline outcomes research
March 4, 2019
The eSOFA includes more objective criteria and should make it easier to compare data across institutions.
Second extubation attempts should be judged on their own merits
March 2, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Study shows that changes in parameters between first and second extubation attempts did not predict success.
Malpractice suits are less frequent – but more costly
March 2, 2019
Suits against physicians declined over a 10-year span, but the expense to defend legal challenges is rising, according to a report by CRICO.
Influenza activity continues to increase
February 22, 2019
Over the past decade, the flu season has generally reached its peak by this point.
Supplementary compression doesn’t improve DVT odds in critically ill
February 20, 2019
SAN DIEGO – The procedure carries few risks, aside from patient discomfort.
Bag-mask ventilation during intubation reduces severe hypoxemia
February 18, 2019
For every nine patients who receive bag-mask ventilation during tracheal intubation, one severe hypoxemia case is avoided.