Managing children’s fear, anxiety in the age of COVID-19
March 11, 2020
Provide children with honest and accurate information geared to their age and developmental level.
COVID-19 update: Transmission 5% or less among close contacts
March 11, 2020
New insights from China, CDC
Some infected patients could show COVID-19 symptoms after quarantine
March 9, 2020
Longer quarantine could be considered in highest-risk scenarios, but benefits must be weighed against costs to public health and the quarantined patients.
Flu activity declines again but remains high
March 6, 2020
Number of deaths in children at this point in the season is the highest seen since the 2009 pandemic.
Novel coronavirus may cause environmental contamination through fecal shedding
March 6, 2020
Beyond respiratory droplets, fecal shedding could also be a potential route of transmission.
COVID-19 and public health preparedness in the United States
March 6, 2020
The spread of COVID-19 in the United States is inevitable, and there must be well-coordinated planning to reduce the impact.
Infection control protects hospital staff from COVID-19, study shows
March 5, 2020
The Hong Kong success story may be due to enhanced laboratory surveillance, early airborne infection isolation, and rapid-turnaround molecular diagnostics.
CMS issues guidance on containing spread of coronavirus
March 5, 2020
The agency published two guidance documents related to helping contain the spread of the coronavirus, primarily aimed at ensuring that health care providers are implementing proper infection control procedures.
FDA moves to expand coronavirus testing capacity; CDC clarifies testing criteria
March 3, 2020
Close to a million tests will be available by week’s end, predicted HHS Secretary Alex Azar
What medical conferences are being canceled by coronavirus?
March 3, 2020
In the United States, however, most medical conferences are moving forward as planned – at least for now.