COVID-19 linked to multiple cardiovascular presentations
April 7, 2020
Temporary hemodynamic support is shown to help patients with cardiogenic shock, according to case studies.
AAP issues guidance on managing infants born to mothers with COVID-19
April 7, 2020
Infants born to mothers with COVID-19 should be tested for the virus at 24 hours and, if still in the birth facility, at 48 hours after birth.
Flu activity down from its third peak of the season, COVID-19 still a factor
April 6, 2020
Mortality in children continued at a near-record level.
Predictors of bacteremia in children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia
April 1, 2020
Blood cultures in children with CAP should be limited to patients admitted to the ICU.
Flu activity measures continue COVID-19–related divergence
March 30, 2020
Fewer samples are testing positive, but flu-related visits are increasing.
Reports suggest possible in utero transmission of novel coronavirus 2019
March 27, 2020
Three neonates whose mothers had COVID-19 had elevated IgM antibody concentrations.
Despite strict controls, some infants born to mothers with COVID-19 appear infected
March 27, 2020
But the sources of novel coronavirus 2019 in the neonates’ upper respiratory tracts or anuses likely were maternal in origin.
Lessons from Seattle: Prepping a critical care system for COVID-19
March 26, 2020
From communicating with staff to managing patients with comorbidities, here’s how a major Seattle medical center is preparing.
FDA to allow alternative respiratory devices to treat COVID-19
March 25, 2020
“We are providing maximum regulatory flexibility to facilitate an increase in ventilator inventory.”
How texting unites Seattle’s critical care departments
March 23, 2020
A basic smartphone feature becomes a crucial tool to keep the region’s ICUs connected.