COVID-19: Helping health care workers on front lines
April 22, 2020
“This is completely the opposite of the way we practice psychiatry,” said Dr. Allison Cotton.
ACEI/ARBs linked with survival in hypertensive, Chinese COVID-19 patients
April 22, 2020
A study drawing from 1,128 hypertensive, Chinese patients with COVID-19 suggested that those on an ACEI or ARB had better 28-day survival.
Doctors push back on treating COVID-19 as HAPE
April 21, 2020
The pathophysiological mechanism of HAPE is a “fundamentally different phenomenon” than what is seen in COVID-19–related ARDS, experts noted in a recent commentary.
Interim guidance for CPR in patients with COVID-19
April 20, 2020
Performing CPR on patients with COVID-19 raises unique challenges. Interim guidance suggests approaches to mitigate risk to patients and providers.
Researchers investigate impact of smoking on COVID-19 risk
April 20, 2020
Early reports from China showed a case fatality rate of 4.7% for men, compared with 2.8% for women.
Switching gears at high speed
April 20, 2020
Michigan Medicine’s ICU Bootcamp is for clinicians who haven’t practiced in an ICU for a while.
2019-2020 flu season ends with ‘very high’ activity in New Jersey
April 17, 2020
Influenza activity has been at or above the national baseline since early November.
COVID-19 mythconceptions
April 16, 2020
We are in a position where we need to take in what we can and assess the best data available.
First protocol on how to use lung ultrasound to triage COVID-19
April 9, 2020
Lung ultrasound is not yet universally accepted as a tool for diagnosing pneumonia in the context of COVID-19 and triaging patients.
Comorbidities the rule in New York’s COVID-19 deaths
April 8, 2020
Infection and death rates among males in the state are disproportionately high.