Risk stratification key in acute pulmonary embolism
August 14, 2020
“I think if I had to pick the one thing that drives my decision the most about whether someone needs more aggressive therapy than anticoagulation, it’s probably heart rate.”
Action and awareness are needed to increase immunization rates
August 13, 2020
There is much work to be done to catch up with vaccinations missed because of the pandemic.
COVID-19 cases in children nearly doubled in just 4 weeks
August 11, 2020
AAP president: “In areas with rapid community spread, it’s likely that more children will also be infected.”
Studies gauge role of schools, kids in spread of COVID-19
August 10, 2020
A look at the effect of the school closures at the start of the pandemic in the United States.
PVR reassessed as predictor of heart failure
August 7, 2020
A reconsideration of the accepted benchmark for pulmonary vascular hypertension as a predictor of heart failure may be warranted.
Many children with COVID-19 present without classic symptoms
August 7, 2020
Of 22 children hospitalized and positive for SARS-CoV-2, most had no respiratory illness or symptoms.
Diagnostic testing for COVID-19: A quick summary for PCPs
August 7, 2020
Plus, answers to who and when to test.
Are you SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitant?
July 30, 2020
How do you feel about the potential SARS-CoV-2 vaccine? Are you going to roll up your sleeve as soon as the vaccine becomes available in your community?
MIS-C is a serious immune-mediated response to COVID-19 infection
July 28, 2020
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is still a moving target because there is much still to learn about it.
Small NY study: Mother-baby transmission of COVID-19 not seen
July 24, 2020
All of the 31 infants born to infected mothers tested negative.