AI can pinpoint COVID-19 from chest x-rays
September 11, 2020
“We were able to separate the COVID-19 patients with very high fidelity.”
Social distancing impacts other infectious diseases
September 11, 2020
Social distancing had a significant impact on each of the 12 commonly diagnosed infectious diseases analyzed.
Asymptomatic children may transmit COVID-19 in communities
September 3, 2020
A South Korean case series of 91 children with COVID-19 identified detectable viral RNA for approximately 2 weeks’ duration.
Interstitial lung abnormalities linked to COPD exacerbations
September 2, 2020
COPD patients with interstitial lung abnormalities had more frequent exacerbations and greater decline in lung function.
HOME-PE trial clarifies which pulmonary embolism patients to treat at home
September 1, 2020
“Who’s happy with the HOME-PE trial? I think everybody.” – Dr. Stavros V. Konstantinides
COVID-19 at home: What does optimal care look like?
August 31, 2020
Most attention has focused on the sickest patients, leaving less severe cases to fall through the cracks.
Famotidine associated with benefits in hospitalized COVID patients in another trial
August 25, 2020
“The mechanism of exactly how famotidine works has yet to be proven,” lead study author Jeffrey F. Mather said.
Pulmonary rehab reduces COPD readmissions
August 19, 2020
Rehabilitation was associated with a lower risk for readmission.
HFNC more comfortable for posthypercapnic patients with COPD
August 19, 2020
High-flow nasal cannula appears to be an effective means of respiratory support for COPD patients extubated after severe hypercapnic respiratory failure.
Severe obesity ups risk for death in younger men with COVID-19
August 18, 2020
These findings show that “obesity is an important independent risk factor for serious COVID-19 disease,” said Dr. David A. Kass.