Everything We Say and Do
December 16, 2016
Read the chart, elevate your patients’ confidence.
Promoting the Health of Healthcare Employees
December 15, 2016
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act encourage hospitals to work with their communities to improve population health.
Trump administration to focus on ACA reform, tort reform
December 13, 2016
Look for three things from the Trump administration: significant changes to the Affordable Care Act, few changes to MACRA’s Quality Payment Program, and a conservative swing in the courts.
Observational hospital stays for HF linked to worse outcomes
December 5, 2016
NEW ORLEANS – Heart failure patients admitted as inpatients had significantly better outcomes than those admitted for an observational stay.
Hospital factors play key role in readmission risk after surgery
November 28, 2016
CORONADO, CALIF. – Variation in readmission risk across hospitals following certain surgical procedures is more attributable to hospital factors than to patient characteristics, results from a large analysis demonstrated.
Infectious disease physicians: Antibiotic shortages are the new norm
November 12, 2016
Antibiotic shortages are now a way of life, and physicians report that shortages are affecting patient care and outcomes.