MedPAC: Medicare hospital readmissions program is working
February 8, 2018
WASHINGTON – Not everyone was convinced by MedPAC staff analysis.
CDC: Flu levels highest since pandemic year 2009
January 26, 2018
Thirty states report highest level of flu activity on CDC scale.
Predicting MDR Gram-negative infection mortality risk
January 24, 2018
Several factors were predictive of mortality risk in hospitalized patients with multidrug resistant Gram-negative infections.
MedPAC recommends scrapping MIPS, gets pushback from doctors
January 16, 2018
While MIPS is not perfect, doctors are not likely to be pleased by having to shift midstream.
CMS launches advanced APM focused on bundled payments
January 10, 2018
The program “builds on the earlier success of bundled payment models and is an important step in the move away from fee for service.”
Sexual harassment
January 9, 2018
Which physician behaviors and health care workplace environments cross the line into sexual harassment?
Analysis: Hospital pay for performance not significantly improving Medicare outcomes
January 4, 2018
“Policymakers in the [United States] should consider one of two things: revise the current program or potentially end it.”
ABIM to allow do-overs for all subspecialties with Knowledge Check-In
December 6, 2017
The option had been available only for internal medicine and nephrology.
Safety-net hospitals would be hurt by hospital-wide 30-day readmission penalties
November 19, 2017
Considering all readmissions within 30 days of discharge in the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program would modestly increase the number of hospitals eligible for penalties and would have a bigger impact on safety-net hospitals, based on a study of two years of Medicare claims data from 3,443 ...
Public health hazard: Bring your flu to work day
November 8, 2017
Many physicians and pharmacists report working while having influenza-like illness.