Win Whitcomb: Front-Line Hospitalists Fight Against Health Care-Associated Infections (HAIs)
April 2, 2013
Reducing in-patient rates of C. diff, MRSA, and other hospital-acquired infections essential to prevent providers from losing millions in Medicare payments
Bob Wachter Puts Forward Spin on Patient Safety, Quality of Care at HM13
April 1, 2013
The eponymous hospital medicine convention speaker plans to reaffirm hospitalists’ commitment to deliver safe, high-quality patient care in his address at SHM’s annual meeting in May
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: The Medical Director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Spotlights Hospitalist Communication, Attention to Discharge Details
April 1, 2013
Listen to bonus excerpts of our interview with Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
Record Number of Physicians Pass Hospice and Palliative Medicine Exam
April 1, 2013
A total of 3212 mid-career physicians certified in October 2012
Robotic Vaporizers Reduce Hospital Bacterial Infections
April 1, 2013
New technology decreases spread of C. diff, MRSA, other superbugs, research shows
Society of Hospital Medicine Launches Online Training Program for Hospitalists
March 2, 2013
SHM’s Hospital Quality & Patient Safety Online Academy courses help hospitalists prepare and lead quality initiatives to improve patient outcomes
Choosing Wisely Campaign Initiatives Grounded in Tenets of Hospital Medicine
March 1, 2013
Sponsored by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation, the campaign's mission to encourage better decision-making, improve healthcare quality, and decrease costs were also part of the initial motivation to develop hospital medicine
Hospitalwide Reductions in Pediatric Patient Harm are Achievable
March 1, 2013
Quality care initiatives are needed to eliminate preventable harm, improve safety for pediatric inpatients
Post-Hospital Syndrome Contributes to Readmission Risk for Elderly
March 1, 2013
Sleep deprivation and other patient stressors in hospitals may hike 30-day readmission rates, experts suggest
Hospital Medicine Experts Outline Criteria To Consider Before Growing Your Group
February 2, 2013
Quantifying hospital data, examining physician and administrative buy-in, and conducting market analysis are critical to making difficult expansion decisions