Benefits of a Palliative Care Consultation
December 2, 2013
Palliative care physicians help patients balance quality-of-life needs with disease-fighting treatment
Palliative Care Can Be Incredibly Intense, Richly Rewarding for Hospitalists
December 2, 2013
Comfort-focused treatment approach maximizes patients' quality of life, gives physicians an emotional lift, reduces hospital costs
Report on England’s Health System Mirrors Need for Improvement in U.S.
November 1, 2013
Recommended solutions to procedural, systemic problems offer a new way of thinking, acting, living to improve our healthcare industry
CDC Expert Discusses MRSA Infections and Monitoring for Anti-Microbial Resistance
November 1, 2013
Jean Patel, PhD, deputy director of the Office of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talks about MRSA infections and the importance of close monitoring for new signs of anti-microbial resistance
Four Recommendations to Help Hospitalists Fight Antimicrobial Resistance
November 1, 2013
How to prevent infections, track their causes, and identify risk factors
MARQUIS Highlights Need for Improved Medication Reconciliation
October 1, 2013
Thorough, vetted medication history on admission is key to smooth hospital stay, discharge
Boston Hospital Earns Quality Award
October 1, 2013
Beth Israel Deaconess earns McKesson Quest for Quality Prize for leadership, innovation in quality improvement, safety
Hospital-Based Palliative Care Reduces Length of Stay, Charges, Invasive Procedures, ICU Deaths
October 1, 2013
Hospitalized children who received PC in the ICU had reduced lengths of stay, charges, invasive procedures, mortality rate
Medicare Penalties Make Hospital-Acquired-Infection Solutions a Priority
September 1, 2013
Regulatory shift would reduce reimbursement to hospitals for treating patients with certain HAIs
How Copper Could Solve Problem of Hospital-Acquired Infections
September 1, 2013
Antimicrobial effect of copper-alloy surfaces kills 99.9% of bacteria, can supplement efforts to decrease HAIs