LISTEN NOW: Steve Pantilat, MD, SFHM, explains hospitalists’ role in palliative care
December 3, 2014
Steven Z.
Ebola Outbreak Reminds Hospitalists How To Prepare for Infectious Disease
December 2, 2014
When the outbreak first started, and in the months that followed, Ebola virus dominated American headlines.
Palliative Care Patient Transitions Challenging For Hospitalists, Oncologists
December 2, 2014
When should treating a cancer patient become more about controlling symptoms and making the patient comfortable than about trying to slow the cancer itself? Hospitalists, who often care for patients in the worst stages of health, regularly make important observations that result in a patient tran
Early Warning System Boosts Sepsis Detection, Care
November 19, 2014
An alert system that monitors inpatients at risk of developing sepsis can prompt early sepsis care, can speed patient transfers to the ICU, and may even reduce mortality risk from sepsis. A recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine reports on an early warning and response system
LISTEN NOW: Kristen Kulasa, MD, Explains How Hospitalists Can Work with Nutritionists and Dieticians
November 10, 2014
Kristen Kulasa, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine and director of Inpatient Glycemic Control, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at the University of California in San Diego, provides tips on how hospitalists can work with nutritionists and dieticians for the betterment o
Insulin Rules in the Hospital
November 10, 2014
Although new medications to manage and treat hyperglycemia and diabetes continuously appear on the market, national guidelines and position statements consistently refer to insulin as the treatment of choice in the inpatient hospital setting. “When patients are admitted to the hospital, our stand
Primary-Care Physicians Weigh in on Quality of Care Transitions
November 4, 2014
A new study on transitions of care gives hospitalists a view from the other side. Published recently online in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, the authors surveyed 22 primary-care physician leaders in California-based post-discharge clinics and asked them about ways to improve care transitions.
Medication Reconciliation Toolkit Updated, Available to Hospitalists
November 2, 2014
Medication Reconciliation Toolkit Updated, Available to Hospitalists
Patient Signout Is Not Uniformly Comprehensive and Often Lacks Critical Information
October 27, 2014
Clinical question: Do signouts vary in the quality and quantity of information, and what are the various factors affecting signout quality? Background: Miscommunication during transfers of responsibility for hospitalized patients is common and can result in harm.
Teaching Value Project, Choosing Wisely Competition Accepting Applications for 2015
October 15, 2014
Co-sponsored event hosted by Costs of Care, American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation highlights healthcare innovations promoting value