Are left atrial thrombi that defy preprocedure anticoagulation predictable?
June 11, 2021
Features that predispose to such persistent LA thrombi, which are not very rare, could potentially guide more targeted TEE screening before rhythm-control procedures.
Single subcutaneous shot offers fast, potent platelet inhibition in STEMI
June 1, 2021
The effect was seen within 15 minutes of receiving RUC-4, an investigational glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, with no thrombocytopenia, in a phase 2a study.
New AHA/ASA guideline on secondary stroke prevention
May 27, 2021
Identifying the cause of a first stroke or transient ischemic attack is key to developing strategies to prevent repeat events, the AHA/ASA says in an updated clinical practice guideline.
Large vessel stroke linked to AstraZeneca COVID vaccine
May 26, 2021
Three cases occurred in two women and one man in their 30s or 40s and involved blockages of the carotid and middle cerebral artery.
NSAIDs don’t make COVID-19 worse in hospitalized patients
May 11, 2021
In a British study, hospitalized patients didn’t fare worse if they’d taken NSAIDs regularly before admission.
Infective endocarditis from IV drug use tied to hemorrhagic stroke
April 27, 2021
The incidence of patients with IVDU-associated endocarditis increased 630% from 2014 to 2018.
Lower target LDL-C cuts risk of CV events in ischemic stroke patients
April 23, 2021
Is a target LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) level of less than 70 mg/dL superior to a target LDL-C level of 90-110 mg/dL in prevention of future cardiovascular (CV) events in patients with a prior stroke of atherosclerotic origin or transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
Stroke is ‘not a common complication’ in COVID-19
April 20, 2021
Among the sickest of COVID patients – those admitted to an ICU – researchers found that stroke was not a common complication.
Watch for abnormal movements in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
April 19, 2021
“A heightened awareness of abnormal eye movements, or subtle facial tremoring, may be the first steps in recognizing potentially dangerous neurologic manifestations,” the researchers said.
How some COVID-19 vaccines could cause rare blood clots
April 14, 2021
Six cases of a rare but serious event in patients who got the J&J vaccine are being reviewed.