Follow five tips to mitigate opioid prescribing risks
June 23, 2017
Here’s how well-meaning doctors can avoid coming under government scrutiny for prescribing opioids and manage investigations and audits successfully.
For opioid-related hospitalizations, men and women are equal
June 22, 2017
The gender gap increased in emergency department visits.
HM17 session summary: Rheumatology pearls for the inpatient provider
June 16, 2017
A rapid fire session at HM17 focused on rheumatology issues that are of particular interest to hospitalist physicians.
HM17 session summary: The hospitalist’s role in the opioid epidemic
May 26, 2017
The growth in opiate prescribing and associated increases in adverse events has created unique challenges for hospitalists.
Infections up the risk for pregnancy-associated stroke in preeclampsia
May 25, 2017
A study in a diverse population of pregnant women with preeclampsia has identified several risk factors for pregnancy-associated stroke.
Assessment of goals of care in nursing home reduces hospitalization for patients with dementia
May 5, 2017
For patients with advanced dementia, does a goals-of-care intervention improve communication and care outcomes?
Assessment of goals of care in nursing home reduces hospitalization for patients with dementia
March 22, 2017
CLINICAL QUESTION: For patients with advanced dementia, does a goals-of-care intervention improve communication and care outcomes?
Recent increase in subdural hematoma may be linked to antithrombotics
February 28, 2017
Has the more widespread use of antithrombotic medication resulted in more cases of subdural hemotoma?
Acute HIV Causes Transient Neurologic Findings
October 1, 2016
How common are neurologic findings in acute HIV infection?
Warfarin Reduces Risk of Ischemic Stroke in High-Risk Patients
August 29, 2016
What are the risks and benefits of warfarin or antiplatelet drugs compared with no antithrombotic therapy in patients with a previous intracranial hemorrhage?