Opioid use has not declined meaningfully
August 1, 2018
Despite efforts to raise awareness of and reduce opioid abuse, there has not been a significant decline in opioid use and daily dose since 2007.
How to prescribe effectively for opioid use disorder
July 24, 2018
NEW ORLEANS – Know the disparate strengths and weaknesses of methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone for treating opioid addiction.
Epinephrine for cardiac arrest: Better survival, more brain damage
July 19, 2018
PARAMEDIC2 clears uncertainties in treating out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Fentanyl analogs nearly double their overdose death toll
July 13, 2018
From 2016 to 2017, carfentanil-related deaths were up 98%.
Pediatric inpatient seizures treated quickly with new intervention
July 13, 2018
TORONTO – A new system for getting antiepileptic medications to pediatric inpatients having a seizure significantly reduced time to treatment.
Alteplase, aspirin provide similar functional outcomes after nondisabling stroke
July 10, 2018
PRISMS trial results suggest that alteplase offers no benefit over aspirin for functional outcomes after nondisabling acute ischemic stroke.
DOACs’ safety affirmed in real-world setting
July 9, 2018
Direct oral anticoagulants were linked with lower bleeding risk, regardless of reason for use. One shone brightest.
For some opioid overdose survivors, stigma from clinicians hinders recovery
July 6, 2018
Positive steps might include giving stakeholders "sample scripts of ... nonstigmatizing conversations between caregivers and the people experiencing opioid dependency," researchers say.
New look at ATLAS suggests rivaroxaban may still have role in ACS
July 2, 2018
A reanalysis of the ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial separated fatal and nonfatal events.
Disparities found in access to medication treatment for OUDs
July 2, 2018
Medicaid recipients living in counties with fewer black and Hispanic residents – and lower poverty rates – are more likely to receive OUD treatment.