Treatment of opioid use disorder in hospitalized patients
December 14, 2021
Initiating treatment for OUD in the hospital setting is feasible and effective.
Is mindfulness key to helping physicians with mental health?
December 8, 2021
“When we go into our state of deep rest in the meditation practice, which is two to five times more restful than sleep, it heals those stress scars.”
No serious CV risks for elderly after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
December 2, 2021
A French study adds to other evidence that the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine does not increase the risk for serious cardiovascular adverse events in elderly individuals.
Intranasal vs. intramuscular naloxone in reversing opioid overdose
November 29, 2021
Is intranasal naloxone as effective as intramuscular naloxone in reversing opioid overdose at the same dose?
Short-acting opioids needed for withdrawal in U.S. hospitals, say experts
November 23, 2021
The short-acting drugs can complement methadone and buprenorphine to help patients get faster relief and help patients stay in the hospital to help with long-term management, say the authors of a new commentary.
Ticagrelor reversal agent achieves quick hemostasis: REVERSE-IT
November 17, 2021
The monoclonal antibody bentracimab, which can rapidly reverse ticagrelor, was found effective and safe in an FDA-requested interim analysis of a phase 3 trial.
Opioid-induced adrenal insufficiency for the hospitalist
October 26, 2021
Opioid-induced adrenal insufficiency is an underrecognized cause of central adrenal insufficiency.
FDA approves combo pill for severe, acute pain
October 19, 2021
Seglentis contains 56 mg of celecoxib and 44 mg of tramadol.
Case reports underscore risk of cerebral edema, AFCE in children with COVID-19
October 7, 2021
Neurologists urge colleagues to watch for similar cases in children.
Is AFib a stroke cause or innocent bystander? The debate continues
October 5, 2021
Many believe AFib is a risk marker for stroke, but new evidence suggests it may be a causal risk factor.