Subset of patients benefits from in-hospital sleep apnea screening
June 26, 2019
SAN ANTONIO – Readmission rates can be reduced in hospitalized cardiac patients who use CPAP consistently.
Opioid use curbed with patient education and lower prescription quantities
June 25, 2019
Postsurgery patients given education on opioids and prescribed fewer tablets took less medication.
Abuse rate of gabapentin, pregabalin far below that of opioids
June 19, 2019
SAN ANTONIO – “Both gabapentin and pregabalin are abused but at rates that are 6-56 times less frequent than for opioid analgesics,” wrote Dr. Kofi Asomaning.
Opioid prescriptions declined 33% over 5 years
June 7, 2019
The number of opioid prescriptions decreased 33% nationally from 2013 to 2018, according to the new report from the American Medical Association.
DOACs surpass warfarin in low-weight AFib patients
June 5, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO – Data from 21,000 Korean AFib patients weighing 60 kg or less showed DOACs had better efficacy and safety than did warfarin.
Severe OSA increases cardiovascular risk after surgery
May 14, 2019
General anesthetics, sedatives, and postoperative analgesics are potent respiratory depressants that relax the upper airway dilator muscles and impair ventilatory response to hypoxemia and hypercapnia.
Biomarker-based score predicts poor outcomes after acute ischemic stroke
May 10, 2019
PHILADELPHIA – A free app and online calculator are available to calculate the four-item ‘CoRisk’ score.
Racial, economic disparities found in buprenorphine prescriptions
May 8, 2019
Black patients and patients without private health insurance are less likely to receive a buprenorphine prescription for opioid use disorder.
Single-center study outlines stroke risk, DOAC type in nonvalvular AFib patients
May 6, 2019
PHILADELPHIA –Rivaroxaban was more often than other DOACs associated with events in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients, based on a small study from a tertiary care center in Australia.
Direct pharmacy dispensing of naloxone linked to drop in fatal overdoses
May 6, 2019
But emergency department visits related to opioids increased in new adopters of direct authority laws.