MRI saves money, better than CT in acute stroke
October 14, 2019
ST. LOUIS – The annual savings from skipping CT in favor of MRI for patients with suspected stroke would offset the cost of round-the-clock MRI staffing.
Blood test may reveal brain injury
August 27, 2019
Levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) are lowest in patients with nonconcussive body trauma, higher in patients with nonconcussive head trauma, and highest in patients with concussion.
CDC finds that too little naloxone is dispensed
August 6, 2019
Despite increases in the number of naloxone prescriptions dispensed, many patients at risk for overdose are not offered the potentially life-saving treatment, according to an analysis of national retail pharmacy data.
Amitriptyline for chronic low back pain
July 23, 2019
Is a low-dose tricyclic antidepressant effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain?
Statins crush early seizure risk poststroke
July 18, 2019
BANGKOK – Statin initiation upon hospitalization for acute ischemic stroke was linked to a major antiseizure benefit in a Japanese study.
Systolic, diastolic BP each tied to adverse CV outcomes
July 17, 2019
Diastolic hypertension can’t be ignored, investigator says, though systolic ultimately has a larger impact.
CDC: Look for early symptoms of acute flaccid myelitis, report suspected cases
July 9, 2019
The average age of a patient diagnosed with AFM is 5 years
Almost one-third of ED patients with gout are prescribed opioids
July 3, 2019
A diagnosis of diabetes or polyarticular gout attack, and prior opioid use were all associated with a more than 100% higher odds of opioid prescription.
The hospitalist role in treating opioid use disorder
July 2, 2019
Treatment of opioid use disorder is critical and something that hospitalists should be trained and engaged in.
Lipoprotein(a) levels tied to higher ischemic stroke risk
July 1, 2019
High levels of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] and LPA genotypes were linked to increased ischemic stroke risk in a recent large, contemporary general population study.