Owning all aspects of patient care: Bridget McGrath, PA-C, FHM
March 4, 2021
Hospitalists are continuously thinking about how to optimize patients to leave their care, says Bridget McGrath, PA-C, FHM.
Roundtable discussion: The Pluripotent Hospitalist
March 4, 2021
A diverse group of hospitalists will participate in a roundtable discussion in honor of National Hospitalist Day.
Inpatient telemedicine can help address hospitalist pain points
March 3, 2021
The extent to which telemedicine is able to positively impact patient care will revolve around overcoming barriers.
A ‘hospitalist plus’: Grace C. Huang, MD
March 2, 2021
Hospital medicine has a way of putting you at the nexus of individual, family, society, government, and planet, says Dr. Grace Huang.
SHM CEO Eric Howell likes to fix things
March 1, 2021
“It turns out medicine in the hospital is just as specialized as any other specialty.” – Dr. Eric Howell
Education and networking are driving forces behind Converge platform
March 1, 2021
It will be possible to secure more CME credits at SHM Converge than at any previous SHM annual conference.
Hospitalist advisory board picks ‘must-see’ Converge sessions
March 1, 2021
From health care disparities to COVID-19 resources to Medical Jeopardy!, SHM Converge offers many great choices.
Immigrant hospitalists to share diverse experiences
March 1, 2021
SHM Converge session will illuminate who immigrant hospitalists are and serve as a call for understanding and tolerance.
SHM Converge to be an ‘intellectual feast’
March 1, 2021
A year of planning for SHM Converge has produced a lineup of world-class speakers.
Innovation requires experimentation
February 25, 2021
Health care could improve faster with a more systematic approach to experimentation.