Lower rates of patient satisfaction may predict readmission
May 23, 2019
Do higher rates of patient satisfaction lead to lower rates of hospital readmission?
HM19: Interprofessional rounds
May 14, 2019
The purpose of interprofessional rounds is effective communication and efficient patient care.
Unit-based models of care
May 10, 2019
Unit-based teams offer a basic framework to optimize the inpatient system to facilitate better workflow.
Top 10 tips community hospitalists need to know for implementing a QI project
May 3, 2019
Even the smallest quality improvement projects can make considerable change.
Breaking the high-utilization cycle
May 2, 2019
Cooperative method addresses unnecessary testing, ineffective treatment plans.
Bringing hospitalist coverage to critical access hospitals
May 1, 2019
Virtual hospitalists can expand coverage.
Long-term antibiotic use may heighten stroke, CHD risk
April 28, 2019
Among middle-aged and older women, 2 or more months’ exposure to antibiotics is associated with an increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Best of RIV highlights practical, innovative projects
April 25, 2019
Winners included a medication reconciliation program that showed improvements across 18 centers.
Top 10 things physician advisors want hospitalists to know
April 24, 2019
Hospital medicine providers should more routinely engage with their institutional physician advisors.
Short Takes
April 19, 2019
Short Takes