ERs are swamped with seriously ill patients, although many don’t have COVID
November 1, 2021
“It’s an early indicator that what’s happening in the ED is that we’re seeing more acute cases than we were pre-pandemic.”
Earlier discharge after surgery may come at the expense of post-discharge complications
October 29, 2021
“Our ultimate takeaway message is that there is a black hole that needs to be addressed between the time a patient gets discharged from the hospital to their first post-operative visit.”
Geographic cohorting increased direct care time and interruptions
October 20, 2021
Does geographic cohorting improve hospitalist efficiency?
QI reduces daily labs and promotes sleep-friendly lab timing
October 15, 2021
Will a quality improvement project involving physician education and an EHR shortcut reduce the quantity and optimize the timing of daily routine labs on medical inpatients?
Resident physician work-hour regulations associated with improved physician safety and health
October 13, 2021
Do consecutive work-hour restrictions for first-year resident physicians improve physician safety?
Major insurers running billions of dollars behind on payments to hospitals and doctors
October 8, 2021
Substantial payment delays can be seen on Anthem’s books. On June 30, 2019, before the pandemic, 43% of the insurer’s medical bills for that quarter were unpaid, according to regulatory filings.
Two Colorado nurses admit to stealing drugs from hospital patients
September 30, 2021
One nurse gained access to rooms of patients who weren’t assigned to her and diverted drugs from their pain-on-demand devices.
MDs doing wrong-site surgery: Why is it still happening?
September 30, 2021
“When they make a wrong-site error, usually the first thing they say is, ‘I never thought this would happen to me.’ ”
Mean leadership
September 23, 2021
Leadership requires the investment of deliberate practice, financial acumen, negotiation skills, and increased vulnerability.
Cardiogenic shock teams again tied to lower mortality
September 23, 2021
New data suggest centers with a shock team had higher survival and lower resource use in the cardiac ICU.