Hospitalists Outline Quality of Care Initiative for Inpatients with Atrial Fibrillation
December 2, 2013
Evidence-based approaches, assessment tools can improve outcomes
Palliative Care Can Be Incredibly Intense, Richly Rewarding for Hospitalists
December 2, 2013
Comfort-focused treatment approach maximizes patients' quality of life, gives physicians an emotional lift, reduces hospital costs
Hospitalists Have Opportunity to Transform Healthcare
November 1, 2013
Despite system-wide challenges, hospitalists should strive to redefine the practice of medicine
CDC Expert Discusses MRSA Infections and Monitoring for Anti-Microbial Resistance
November 1, 2013
Jean Patel, PhD, deputy director of the Office of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talks about MRSA infections and the importance of close monitoring for new signs of anti-microbial resistance
SHM Report Provides New Insights About Physician Practice Leaders
November 1, 2013
Leadership roles expand to help hospitals meet performance improvement goals
Two Hospitalist Groups Join SHM’s Hospital Medicine Exchange
November 1, 2013
Family medicine and post-acute hospitalists have signed on to participate in the online community
Hospitalists as Industrial Engineers
October 1, 2013
Where to acquire tools, skills you need to succeed in multi-faceted role
Boston Hospital Earns Quality Award
October 1, 2013
Beth Israel Deaconess earns McKesson Quest for Quality Prize for leadership, innovation in quality improvement, safety
Three Easy Ways to Get Ahead in Hospital Medicine
August 2, 2013
SHM’s Awards of Excellence program, Project BOOST initiative, Choosing Wisely campaign can advance your career, hospital
SHM Allies with Leading Health Care Groups to Advance Hospital Patient Nutrition
July 1, 2013
Newly launched Alliance to Advance Patient Nutrition aims to improve patient outcomes through nutrition intervention during hospital stays