Create hospitalist-patient partnerships for safety and quality
March 22, 2017
Study reports sharing tool strengthens relationships, improve safety.
Sneak Peek: The Hospital Leader Blog
March 8, 2017
Equal time for hospital executives.
Japan could benefit from hospital medicine expansion, leadership
March 3, 2017
The need for hospitalists continues to increase in Japan. There are approximately 9,000 hospitals in Japan, and approximately 80% of these hospitals are small- to medium-sized hospitals (<300...
Scholar grants help future hospitalists explore career pathways
February 7, 2017
Ernie L. Esquivel, MD, FACP, FHM’s passion for education and research leads to development of SHM student and resident programming.
Trending at SHM
February 2, 2017
Get the latest news about upcoming events, new programs and Society of Hospital Medicine initiatives.
Female physicians, lower mortality, lower readmissions: A case study
January 20, 2017
Week in, week out for the past 25 years, I have had a front-row seat to the medical practice of a certain female physician: my wife, Heather. We met when we worked together on the wards during...
SHM launches Chapter Development Fund to enhance reach, impact of chapters
January 18, 2017
As hospital medicine continues to experience unparalleled growth, the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) seeks to supplement its chapter program via a new $100,000 Chapter Development Fund.
SHM Practice Administrators’ Mentor Program benefits both parties
January 16, 2017
Alessandra G. Cornelio, MPH, uses SHM resources to develop her career. Now, she is paying it forward.
SHM welcomes its newest members – January 2017
January 10, 2017
New SHM members for January 2017
Embrace change as a hospitalist leader
January 2, 2017
Tales from an insightful dive into SHM leadership training